Maasai Mara (Masai Mara) is situated in south-west Kenya and is one of Africa’s Greatest Wildlife Reserves.
Together with the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania it forms Africa’s most diverse, incredible and most spectacular eco-systems and possibly the world’s top safari big game viewing eco-system.
Maasai Mara National Reserve stretches 1,510 sq km (580 sq miles) and raises 1,500-2,170 meters above sea level. Add the conservancies and the area is at least twice the size. It hosts over 95 species of mammals and over 570 recorded species of birds.
This is The World Cup of Wildlife, and together with the Serengeti National Park there is no better place in the world to see what the Maasai Mara and Serengeti National Park provide.
Wildebeest Migration: Make sure you have your safari booked planned out that includes the Maasai Mara. The wildebeest migration is nothing short of amazing. It is one of the things you have do add to your bucket list. Best time to be in Kenya for it is JULY – OCTOBER although Kenya is a great year round destination.
Accommodation: There is a wide selection of places to stay around the Maasai Mara and the conservancies. The conservancies surrounding the Maasai Mara have restricted number of vehicles allowing a more private game viewing of wildlife. We recommend staying 3 or 4 nights and add in a couple of other destinations too to your safari.